Unreal Engine Touch Input Like Pubg Mobile

1. Set Up the Input System

  • Go to Edit > Project Settings > Input.
  • Create Action Mappings for actions like “Fire” and Axis Mappings for “Move” and “Look.”
  • Name these mappings (e.g., MoveForward, MoveRight, Turn, and LookUp) so you can call them in your blueprint or C++ code.

2. Touch Controls for Movement and Aiming

  • Virtual Joystick for Movement: Use Unreal Engine’s built-in Virtual Joystick for movement. Go to Project Settings > Engine – Input, and enable Default Touch Interface.
  • You can customize the joystick by going to Engine Content and editing the Virtual Joystick asset.

3. Implementing Touch for Looking and Aiming

  • Create a Touch Input Component in your character blueprint or add custom touch logic if you prefer more control.
  • Add a Touch Event (such as OnTouchMoved or OnTouchStarted) and use the Get Touch Location node to capture screen positions for aim and camera control.
  • For camera control:
    • Set up the touch input to control camera yaw and pitch for aiming.
    • Update the rotation of your Camera or Spring Arm using these touch inputs.

4. Adding Shooting and Interaction Mechanics

  • Create a separate Button UI element for shooting.
  • Implement an OnPressed event for this button to trigger your shooting logic, which could involve ray casting or spawning a projectile.
  • You can place this button on the right side of the screen for easy access, similar to PUBG Mobile.

5. Customization for Smooth Controls

  • Add Interpolation to make the camera and character controls smoother.
  • Tweak sensitivity settings by adding multipliers to the touch input values, and expose these as variables so they can be adjusted later or even by the player.

6. Handling HUD and UI Elements

  • Create a basic HUD with elements for health, ammo, minimap, and other indicators.
  • Place these elements on the screen while ensuring they don’t overlap with touch input zones.

7. Testing and Optimizing for Mobile

  • Regularly test on an Android or iOS device to ensure touch responsiveness and layout are correct.
  • Optimize touch input response time and minimize lag by reducing unnecessary logic in the touch events.

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